Caregiver Health: 4 Essential Self-Care Tips For Caregivers
Caregiver Health: September is Self-Care Awareness Month and that means it’s the perfect time for senior caregivers to spend a little time on themselves.
Caregiving is physically and emotionally difficult. If you are caring for a senior loved one while also trying to take care of yourself and your family and trying to work outside the home too you’re probably always on the edge of burnout. Self-care isn’t a luxury, it’s essential. Good Caregiver Health is what will make it possible for you to take care of everyone else.
Caregivers are experts at putting their own needs last. This September when the spotlight is on Self-Care Awareness you should try using these essential self-care tips to give yourself the break you need:

Caregiver in Bryn Mawr PA: Self-Care Tips
Treat Self Care Like Athletic Training
Many caregivers have trouble performing self-care because they feel like they’re being selfish. But instead of seeing self-care as selfish, you should try to think of it as training, the way an athlete trains. An athlete isn’t selfish for taking the time to work out because it’s what they need to do in order to be an athlete. You’re not selfish for taking the time for self-care because it’s what you need to do to be a good caregiver.
Have Compassion For Yourself
Caregivers have a deep well of compassion for their senior loved ones, for the personal care at home providers who help them, for everyone except themselves. Extend yourself the same compassion that you give freely to everyone else. Because you deserve it. Caregiving isn’t easy. So don’t be hard on yourself. You’re doing the best you can and that’s enough. It’s enough.
Get The Help You Need
As a caregiver who has a mountain of responsibilities to take care of you should be delegating as many of those responsibilities as you can. When it comes to caring for your senior loved ones get some help from a home care provider. Let them help as much as possible with the daily personal care, cleaning, cooking, shopping, and other tasks that your loved ones need help with. Save your energy and time for the bigger stuff.
When it comes to your family and your kids have your partner take on some of the responsibilities around the house or find other ways to get some of those chores off your plate. Hire a housecleaner or a nanny, or both. Work with other parents to carpool the kids to and from school. Find creative ways to lighten your load as much as you can.
Caregiver Health: Take Time Off
You are absolutely entitled to time off from all your caregiving duties to take care of yourself. Take an afternoon to get your hair cut or to get a manicure and pedicure. Go to a movie and turn your cell phone off. Meet your friends for dinner one night a week. An athlete can’t train every day, and neither can you. Give yourself at least one day each week off to ensure good caregiver health.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring a Caregiver in Bryn Mawr, PA, please contact the friendly staff at Suma Home Care. (484) 206-4544
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