Easing Common Female Diseases with Home Health Care

Female Diseases: Home Health Care Ardmore PA
May 14th is both Mother’s Day and the first day of National Women’s Health Week. Take time this year to learn more about some of the health conditions that affect women and the benefits of home health care services with each of them.
Alzheimer’s Disease
Around 66% of Alzheimer’s patients are women. The disease is much more common in women. Your mom is going to need skilled nursing care in the latter stages. She’ll become unable to eat and may require IV fluids and nutrients. If that’s not an option, she’ll need IV medications to reduce pain and discomfort.
Alzheimer’s disease also impacts mobility, speech, and memory skills. Working with physical, occupational, and speech therapists helps slow the deterioration of certain essential skills.
Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases occur when the body’s immune system wages an attack on healthy cells and tissue. Four out of five patients diagnosed with an autoimmune disease are women. Rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren’s disease are two of the most common autoimmune diseases in older women.
Rheumatoid arthritis causes severe pain in the joints and can cause the joints in the fingers to become disfigured and gnarled. Sjorgren’s disease occurs when the immune system attacks the glands that produce saliva and tears, leading to dry mouth and dry eyes.
Physical and occupational therapies can be helpful when mobility and fine motor skills are impacted by rheumatoid arthritis. Occupational therapy can help with Sjogren’s if the dry eyes are leading to blurred vision and sensitivity to light.
Breast Cancer/Ovarian Cancer
Breast cancer and ovarian cancer are both common in women. Both cancers are typically diagnosed in the mid-60s. Surgical removal of the cancerous mass is the standard treatment. That might mean a mastectomy for breast cancer and oophorectomy and removal of the fallopian tubes for ovarian cancer.
Pain management is important as your mom heals. A home health care nurse can help her with medication administration, especially if any of her pain medications are being given through an IV. She’ll also have incisions to care for. A nurse can change bandages and check for signs of infection.
Osteoporosis is most common in older menopausal women. Hormonal changes impact bone health, and bones can thin if there isn’t a diet rich in vitamin D and calcium. Thinning bones are more likely to break in a fall. If osteoporosis is diagnosed, injections are one of the common treatments.
When your mom’s health is impacted by one of these health issues, make sure she has the support she needs to better manage the symptoms and treatment options. Home health care services provide her with the nurses she needs to keep up with medications, properly care for incisions or wounds, and get the therapeutic services she needs.
Home health care services are easily arranged. Talk to your mom’s doctor about what she needs and then talk to a specialist in at-home nursing services.
If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Home Health Care in Ardmore, PA, and the surrounding area, please contact the friendly staff at Suma Home Care. (484) 206-4544
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