How Can You Cope with an Aging Parent Who Flat Out Refuses an In-Home Care Aide?
You’ve got your hands full. It is going to be an extreme challenge, especially when you understand the value of home care support services, but your aging parent refuses to even consider it. You’ve been working yourself to the bone, completely worn out and exhausted, and despite your best efforts, it’s not enough.

Elder Care in Haverford PA: In-Home Care Aides
This aging senior needs more support.
You can’t give more, though. And, despite all of your efforts, you continue to worry about their safety, and it’s even causing you difficulty sleeping at night because of this constant stress. What can be done when an elderly person completely refuses to even consider in-home care support services?
There may be little you can do.
A lot of family members may assume they can force this upon an aging parent or even a grandparent. After all, you’ve been working diligently to provide the support they need, the least they can do is accept a little outside help.
In truth, the only way to honestly force this issue upon another person is to take them to court. You can certainly strong-arm this senior and pressure him or her into accepting the support and service of a home care aide, but that’s not the best way to approach this situation.
You need to find common ground.
There could be a number of reasons why your elderly mother or father is simply refusing to consider any type of in-home care option. They might have certain misconceptions about these services. They might have known a friend whose family forced this upon them, and the situation may not have been the most pleasant.
Find out what their resistance is to in-home care support. You may discover they have bought into certain myths or misconceptions about it that could easily be dispelled with some facts.
It’s also a good idea to learn as much as you can about home care and you can do that both online and by speaking to an administrator or home care agency. The more you learn about in-home care support services, the more you will understand the benefits they provide and that becomes easier to convey to somebody who has various misconceptions or resistance to it.
Ultimately, though, it is your elderly mother’s or father’s decision. You need to respect whatever they decide. Just because they may refuse in-home care support right now doesn’t mean you have to continue putting yourself out there, wearing yourself out to help them. Set limits and let them know you aren’t crossing those limits anymore. They will likely come around to want to know more about home care then.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Elder Care in Haverford, PA, please contact the friendly staff at Suma Home Care.
Call today: (484) 206-4544
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