How Can Pediatric Home Care Helps Children with Down Syndrome?

pediatric home careChildren with Down syndrome are facing big challenges as they grow and learn. Luckily, services that offer help with pediatric medical conditions can make those challenges a little easier for you and your child to face. Here are a few of the ways those services can do just that on a daily basis.

Offering Early Intervention Therapies

Early intervention is recommended for children with Down syndrome because that can help with the developmental delays that they may experience. Some of those therapies include occupational and physical therapy as well as speech and language therapy. All of these different therapies deal with specific challenges faced by people with Down syndrome, including low muscle tone, difficulty communicating, and self-care skills like dressing themselves.

Help with Assistive Devices

There are so many different types of assistive devices that children with Down syndrome might require. Some are easier to use than others. Eyeglasses and hearing aids don’t require much in terms of getting used to operating the device, but communication tools, electronics, and other assistive tools may require a lot more help for your child to use them properly. As your child gets older, the assistive devices that she needs may become more complicated.

Assistance at School and While Traveling

Depending on the challenges facing your child, she may need additional help while she’s at school and while she’s traveling to and from school. Pediatric home care providers can help her to get through her day safely and with the medical and practical assistance that she most needs. They’re also someone that your child knows and trusts, especially if something isn’t going right in her world.

Monitoring Other Health Issues

Children with Down syndrome very often have other health issues as well. Gastrointestinal issues, heart issues, and even epilepsy can be big problems to manage. Having pediatric home care providers available to assist with medical needs can be an incredibly helpful service. It helps greatly to know that your child’s medical needs are being met at any moment by someone who is familiar with her situation.

Children with Down syndrome can lead a perfectly normal life, but they may need a little bit of extra help in order to do so safely. Pediatric home care services can be the little bit of necessary assistance your child requires. Every little bit of help evens the playing field for your child as she ventures out into the world.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring pediatric home care in Glenolden, PA, and the surrounding area, please contact the friendly staff at Suma Home Care. (484) 206-4544


Ibrahim & Mariama Suma-Keita